23 September 2011

Little Wonders


Today was especially SUCKY. Just saying. I had to buy new tires, fill up with gas, my roommate left for Utah, some realizations of how this semester is going to be weren't particularly favorable, and I somehow misplaced the bread I just barely bought. In essence, today was a freaking suckfest.


There were so many little awesome things that happened to me today. To name a few:

-I was done putting the groceries in my car, and a random stranger asked me if I was done with my cart, and put it away for me.
-Starbucks had a pumpkin-spice frappuccino as their special.
-When I got home, my other roommate was making cookies.
-I got an awesome letter from one of the most awesome people I have ever met.
-My birth certificate came in the mail from my mother, along with a $25 iTunes card.
-There was this little girl at Walmart that was standing right where the bread was that I wanted to get, and she apologized in possibly the most polite way ever. It made me have hope for the future of this world.

I have so much to be grateful for. Loving parents, who are willing to make such great sacrifices, great friends, and random strangers who unknowingly make life have hope for tomorrow. Some days, that's just how the cookie crumbles. You can't appreciate the good unless you live through the bad.

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