05 October 2011

Sometimes you just need to take the medicine...

Life... is like a trip to the doctor's office.

One minute you're fine, and the next, you find yourself wishing you weren't in the doctor's office, waiting around all these awkward sick people, waiting for your name to be called, (or should I say, loudly mispronounced) being careful not to sit too close to a random stranger. (I've always been intrigued why people like to have at least one, if not two seats in between themselves and a person they don't know... anyways, that was really random..)

Once you're name is called and you are made thoroughly uncomfortable by the nurses and such, you're led to a room where you get to wait for a small eternity for a doctor to come assess your problem(s). Once the doctor finally decides to show his pretty face, (or sometimes rather alarmingly old face) and tells you what he THINKS is wrong with you, and it's probably not what you want to hear.

You probably didn't want to hear that you need to stop doing this, and start doing that, and to stay away from this, and that you should probably get going on that one thing as well. The alarmingly old-faced doctor will tell you what you need to get better. Not what you WANT to get better.

Life is a lot like that.

The people who know what's wrong with you aren't going to tell you that you're doing all the right things. They're probably going to tell you to shape up, get your act together and just take the medicine.

Also, this probably makes no sense to a lot of you. Sorry 'bout that.

And I'm feeling pretty gangster today. That's all.

Peace out SUCKA!

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