29 June 2012

time to shine.

Welp. In the past 24 hours, I have slept for about.... three of those hours. NBD. Big, BIG things have happened. Also, lots and lots of emotions, some I’m not sure how to process or how to act on. Let’s see.
One kinda cool thing happened... 
I was accepted into cosmetology school roughly 10 hours ago. I’M GOING TO FREAKING COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL. Like, is this real life? Seriously? I’m not getting punked or anything...? Cause it sure as heck feels like it... but yeah...
ALSO, did I mention that I am moving back to Arizona....? Me? Arizona? Not the best of friends for a loooong while. I guess I got over that, because for some outrageous reason, I have felt this insane loyalty and bizarre love for the state of Arizona. It’s like the love you might have for a really, really ugly puppy, or some ratty old doll that you’ve had you’re whole life. So ugly, you just can’t help but love it. If you would’ve told me two years ago, fresh outta high school, that I would one day be planning on dropping out of BYU-I and moving back to Arizona, I woulda straight up laughed in your pretty little face. Ha, ha, ha, how the tables have turned! I have, not only realized how much I absolutely despise the fact that Walmart closes, and that the nearest Chili’s and Target are 35 minutes away, but have realized that I have different priorities than I did two years ago. Ones that I have made little to no progress on during my time lately in Rexburg. I feel like the opportunities seem infinitely brighter in Arizona... opportunities that will help me accomplish the long term AND short term goals that I have, and just help me shine
(Side note: I can’t wait to be near my family. My dearly loved and absolutely crazy sisters, my amazing and perpetually worried mother, my understanding redneck father, and my darling little spoiled rotten baby brother. I think that is one of the most exciting things of all-- to be near the people I love, and who love me. Families are forever, but living a thousand miles away really can shift your life into a completely different perspective.)

Life comes at you fast, especially when it feels like you’re jumping off a twelve story building of this thing called convenience. It would be convenient for me to stay at BYU-I, suck it up, and keep living where and how I do. That is my comfort zone. It would be convenient to keep the same friends, have the same job, have the saaame ole, same ole life. However. I have realized that-- THIS IS THE TIME. Time to shine. Time to jump off that twelve story building into the abyss of whatever and take a leap of faith. Time to get off the couch, start doing what makes ME happy and start doing what I love to do. It’s scary. No one said it wasn’t gonna make you lie awake at night, but no one said it wasn’t going to help you on the pathway to WHO you’re supposed to become. But, this is the time. Time for me, no one else. Time to shine

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